Dream Decoding

a community offering

In 2022 I am allowing space to deeply explore a lifelong passion of mine, which is the dream world.

I have always been privileged to experience the most vivid, profound and symbolic dreams. As a child I found easy access to the dream, lucid and astral worlds. I know them to be a place that both shows us the deep unconscious material that plays out in our waking life without our will, but also a place that we can explore inter dimensional realities, past lives, possibilities and alternate timelines.

Mastering our dream life creates more vitality, more engagement and more magic in our waking life.

Knowing what the messages are assists in soul retrieval - harmonising and calling back little parts of ourselves that had been lost to the unconscious

While I explore studies in this area, I would love to offer you the opportunity to have your dreams interpreted, as a gift from me to you.

I have been interpreting dreams for many years, but I am now adding some formality to this part of myself. I am so happy to be finally integrating it as part of my gift and magic to my people.

Each planet has a unique way it evolves our consciousness, Neptune is the ruler of dreams, and the ruler of our 12th astrological house - the house of our hidden self and wisdom. She will provide profound teaching moments for you in the underworld of your conscious life. She can be deceiving and provide many illusions as part of her guidance towards knowing yourself. This is why it is really powerful to have an objective outsider to analyse the material she provides from your unconcious.

Ultimately messages that are given in dreams are there to perpetuate healing, although at times they feel chaotic.

If you are working with any medicines that give you out of body experiences, if you feel disembodied, lack of connection to your body or soul, or you are suffering with frequent anxiety, mental illness or addiction - please include this below as it is fundamental to how your spirit receives information.

Cosmos Ethereal Vast Universe

A dream analysis from me will include:

interpretation of the “theme” - this relates to what area of your life the dream is showing you unconscious or dimensional material of
interpretation of the “symbols” - each dream has several powerful symbols that hold keys to unlocking the teaching for your waking life
aftercare - how to move forward to receive this lesson

Please answer all questions in an automatic fashion - don’t overthink/ overanalyse or make the language/ grammar/ spelling perfect. Let it be a stream of conciousness. The closer to your waking time you submit this form the better for your memory and account of your felt experience. Please let there be 24-48h processing time. All dreams remain completely confidential. I will ask you if more information is required. Thank you!